Customer Testimonials

Cypress Homes


Jason & April – Testimonial

“We had a wonderful building experience with Cypress Homes. For years we admired their homes when touring the Parade of Homes. We never thought we could afford to make it a reality. We met with several builders, always showing them Cypress designs, with the misconception a Cypress home was out of reach. After several unsuccessful meetings with other builders, we took a leap of faith and decided to call Cypress.

We were fortunate to meet with Greg. Within weeks of our initial meeting, he helped make our plans become reality. He helped us design a beautiful home within our strict budget, without compromise. He also helped us show and sell our previous home in less than ten days.

Throughout the building process there were no financial surprises. With every selection you are informed exactly of the cost and always know your over all budget status and timeline. You are an active part of the process.

We have had several friends that have shared their horror stories about their building experiences with other builders, and we were reminded more than once that building is trying on a marriage. Never once did my husband or I feel this way. We enjoyed every step of the process thanks to the wonderful Cypress team.

Cypress designer Taya was awesome to work with. She had so much patience while making each selection, even if meant me changing my mind four times to come back to my original selection! Not to mention her expertise on paint colors. We have been in our home just over a year now and continue to love it. I am happy to recommend Cypress Homes.”

See more about Jason & April’s experience: